The weather man in Hong Kong has an easy job. He tells you to bring an umbrella, because it might rain. And if it doesn’t, Lucky you! Basically, it can rain at almost any instant. After all, its an island, and the clouds just rip by at a medium pace or much faster. If it does rain, step into a store, wait it out, and you’ll be good. On the other hand, if a monsoon-like torrential rain comes down, well, better step into a good hotel or massage parlor. You’ll be there awhile. So, anyhow, I wanted to show you all a few photos from our hotel room, and how in the span of a couple hours, how quickly the atmosphere can change.
This first photo above is a typical day in Hong Kong. Lots of clouds with the sky showing through about 10-25%.

In this photo, the clouds are blocking the sky, so the lighting condition is overcast and cloudy.

In this photo, taken shortly after the previous, the rain clouds and showers are moving into place. You can see them entering from the right...

Now the rain clouds and showers block the view of Hong Kong Island. That's some thick rain!

This last photo was taken only an hour later. I think its time to fire the weather man...
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