Our first stop in Fa Yuen Street Market was Paris! Actually, it was Cafe Paris. We hadn't had a breakfast so we needed food quickly!
We both ordered something to eat. What ended up coming out was a ham and swiss sandwich with the crusts cut off and a spaghetti--gravy-pork-chop-seafood-mixed-vegetables concoction. At least the food tasted alright. Or maybe we were extremely hungry. I think the unexpected highlight of our meal was when our cute waitress bent over the table and we got a free show (nip slip!). I don't think she even knew... or maybe she was working for her tip? Either way, it was worth a laugh... and a 3 dollar tip! (Tipping isn't required in HK. Since our meal was only 10 USD for 2 coffees, a plate of pasta and a sandwich, a 3 dollar tip is pretty nice!!)
Shopping at the office supply store for whatever will allow us enough time to cool off and enjoy the air conditioning. Did I mention that Hong Kong is hot AND humid? well, if I haven't yet, IT IS! We did end up finding some good fabric roller wheel cutters and a few x-acto type blades that are hard to find. Designers... always buying weird tools...
Laura's favorite Japanese skin care store is DHC which is VERY hard to find in the States. They offer natural, hypoallergenic skin care, and if anyone knows anything about laura, its that she's stubborn. Oops, I meant to say, she's allergic to red and yellow dye. What doesn't have either? Blue colored things? other than that, most things cause Laura to break out into a rash or hives. Anyhow, just for example, a bottle of cleanser in the States costs 50 USD. Out here, 50 USD will buy you a 4 piece kit. That's a big difference! Import/Export business anyone??
I love that tall building surround everything in Hong Kong. I think we'll have to try and get to the top of one of these buildings or an observatory to see the surround landscape. Perhaps tonight?
The view from the cafe we stopped at for a rest... Its just like a human ant hill! Teeming with people, scents(squid-like?), stores, and the occasional cockroach... Want to buy a watch or a purse? And yes, they're fake!
Mango sorbet and some designer furniture... cools the body AND the mind...
15 dollars for a pair of 'All Stairs'... just kidding, they said All Star on them, but you could tell, these aren't real 'Chucks'...
People crowd the streets... Not everyone is buying, so are they paid to walk around and make the place feel... busy? I wonder if its a conspiracy...
Another market shot.
NASCAR fans rejoice!
Weird beaded curtains...
More iPhone cases than one could imagine. Plus they were only 4 bucks each. Still overpriced, if you ask me...
After a long day of shopping and site-seeing, the taxi ride is the magic carpet that whisks us back to the hotel.
After unloading our packages from long day of shopping, we stopped in at the hotel bar. The amazing thing is about this bar is that its an exact reproduction of a 1920's style New York bar. Check out the stained glass dome, very chic!
We even stopped into the bar for a drink or two. I had a Caipirinha and Laura had an Apple Mojito. Oh yeah, and there was a band too. They werent' half bad either.
Oh yes, and how could I resist buying an AIG jersey today? Goooooooooo Manchester!
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