Once the sun has risen, it is time to lay out on the proverbial rock to warm our bodies. The heat is too much so we reach for some fruity refreshment. It works, but not for long… We slide into the lagoon to enjoy the cool, wet envelopment of the water.
man meets mermaid
snacking on leaves...
Sifting and cleaning, the gatherers groom the land side for sustinence, both of mind and body...
The Loch Ness monster surfaces for a moment, and then disappears into the green murky depths...
The dolphin dives into the sea...
droplets from heaven shower down onto the lagoon...
Rising to the surface to taste the rain... (time to get out... thunder claps sound in the distance)
Celebrating our new status as man and wife at The Green Tangerine.
The Green Tangerine brought flavors to our palettes that with challenge and delight. Fowl with lotus for the lady.
Native white fish and rice with a moat of passion fruit sauce.
Desserts too sweet and evil to name, but we did not finish for it was far too rich...
A bees nest of activity, the mopeds buzz about, swirling in circles, random yet, without collision. Thousands of unhinged spirals, but not one intersecting line. This organic chaos is sweet and pungent...
And they danced late into the night..
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